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Blumenthal’s Problems

Schumer, Blumenthal, Murphy

One of U.S. Senator Dick Blumenthal’s problems is that familiarity, as the old saying has it, does indeed breed contempt.

That seems to be the message in a Connecticut paper’s Sunday edition, front page, top of the fold story: “Blumenthal’s poll ratings in decline.”

The unfavorable headline is itself a story. After 40 years “serving the people of Connecticut” in public office, Blumenthal’s formulation of his long run in Connecticut politics, something has changed.

Whatever can it be?

Themis Klarides, one of three Republicans vying for Blumenthal’s seat in the U.S. Senate, has offered an answer to the question.

“I just think that some people eventually wear out their welcome before they realize it’s been worn out,” Klarides told a reporter. “The bloom has been coming off that flower for several years now. I don’t think it was an overnight issue. ... Dick Blumenthal has become a caricature of himself. He’s known as the person who gets in front of the camera and jumps to every event. But people want action from their elected officials.”

Klarides listed a number of problems facing Blumenthal’s constituents – high taxes, a southern border bleeding illegal immigrants, a superabundance of fentanyl criminally ferried over a fictitious border, most of it produced in China, rising gas prices, and the highest inflation rate in forty years.

Rarely known to hide her light under a bushel basket, the former Republican leader in Connecticut’s General Assembly added, “Dick Blumenthal is the Joe Biden of Connecticut, effectively. He votes with him almost 100% of the time, and it’s those policies that have led us to all these problems, and that’s where I’m different ... Joe Biden is digging his heels in, and Dick Blumenthal is standing right there next to him as his wingman, saying, ‘I agree with what you’re doing.’”

Blumenthal might justly reply that in hotly contested elections, one can hardly expect leading Democrats in Connecticut to denounce publically the titular head of their party, even though some Democrats, Blumenthal among them, might privately take issue with some of Biden’s more destructive policies. But this defense, reeking of hypocrisy, might seem somewhat unjust, because the national Democrat Party had fiercely opposed President Donald Trump, failing to remove from office the former Republican President in impeachment proceedins, and, in an off year election in Connecticut, the party had used Trump as a campaign ploy against Republicans, often and loudly calling upon them to denounce publically the titular head of their party.

What’s good for the goose in political campaigns, the gander will object, is inappropriate for ganders. Subtle distinctions of these kinds, all benefiting Democrats, it would appear are now lost among leading Republicans.

Biden, a sitting President, will be featured often and loudly on 2022 campaign stumps. Some creative political antagonist recently got the idea of posting below gas markups on tanks the message “He did this!” along with a picture of a smugly smiling Biden.

Here is Connecticut Republican Party chieftain Ben Proto pronouncing a doom on Blumenthal: “There comes a time when it’s time to leave or you’re removed from the stage. It’s time for Dick to leave the political stage. The polls show he’s lost whatever popularity he had. Dick has always been a liberal, but he’s become a crazy, radical, left-winger. This is a guy who has held office since the 1980s, and the best he can do in a poll is 50%. He’s in trouble.”

Maybe not.

When Blumenthal was caught consorting with New Haven Communists, he implausibly explained that he did not know the group honoring him was a Connecticut Communist cell of long standing.

He was romancing a group he knew would be able to help him in his campaign.

"Joelle Fishman, Connecticut Commentary noted -- whose husband Art Perlo, chair of the Economics Commission of the Communist Party USA, is the son of late Soviet spy Victor Perlo -- has led the Communist Party in New Haven for many more years than Blumenthal has been U.S. Senator and Attorney General in Connecticut. Unlike the conveniently semi-conscious Blumenthal, Fishman knows who she is, where she is, and what she is. A courageous and outspoken Communist, Fishman has never been in the habit of hiding her Marxist/Leninist light under a bushel basket.

"The seventy-six year old Fishman has lived in New Haven since 1968, and from 1973 to 1982, she was the Communist Party candidate for Connecticut's Third Congressional District, dominated since 1991 by U.S. Representative Rosa Delauro.

"Every leading Democrat and union honcho in the southern part of Connecticut knows Fishman. Those who praise her resourcefulness and rigorous adherence to communist doctrine, however ruinous, can hardly be accused of McCarthyism in identifying as a “communist” a woman who has publically and proudly identified herself as such for nearly half a century."

Some ancient admirers beginning to catch on to Blumenthal’s unsavory methods: If you must talk out of both sides of your mouth to acquire maximum votes, just do it! The results of a general distaste with a man who will go anywhere, do anything and say anything to gain a vote is beginning to take its toll even on tolerant state reporters misused over the years by a man who knows how to campaign, if not how to govern.  


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