Marc Ambinder, writing for the Atlantic, says that “Obama's political team had been in touch with Attorney General Dick Blumenthal, who has a Hamlet-like record of not getting into races he is expected to get into, and had cemented from his team an assurance that, if Dodd stepped down, Blumenthal would indeed formally announce.”
In his valedictory, Dodd remarked that an hour after he had cast a vote to reform health care, he was “standing on the Virginia hillside at Arlington Cemetery, where Ted Kennedy rests, along with his brothers in eternity, as he is in history, wishing I could have seen the look in Teddy's eyes as the Senate took that historic step only an hour before.”
It might be interesting to find out if the Obama-Blumenthal concordat occurred when the sentimental Dodd was visiting deceased Sen. Edward Kennedy’s grave.
The Democratic heir apparent, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal – who does not plan to surrender his day job in pursuit of Dodd’s vacant seat – told the Hartford Courant that “he had ‘never been part of a conversation’ among Democrats to ask Dodd to drop out of the race and that he never counseled Dodd to avoid seeking re-election.”
In his valedictory, Dodd remarked that an hour after he had cast a vote to reform health care, he was “standing on the Virginia hillside at Arlington Cemetery, where Ted Kennedy rests, along with his brothers in eternity, as he is in history, wishing I could have seen the look in Teddy's eyes as the Senate took that historic step only an hour before.”
It might be interesting to find out if the Obama-Blumenthal concordat occurred when the sentimental Dodd was visiting deceased Sen. Edward Kennedy’s grave.
The Democratic heir apparent, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal – who does not plan to surrender his day job in pursuit of Dodd’s vacant seat – told the Hartford Courant that “he had ‘never been part of a conversation’ among Democrats to ask Dodd to drop out of the race and that he never counseled Dodd to avoid seeking re-election.”