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Biden vs. Trump

Lumaj, Klarides, Levy

Leora Levy
, here fairly interviewed by Dennis House, is among three Connecticut Republicans hoping to unhorse U.S. Senator Dick Blumenthal in the upcoming 2022 elections. All three met in debate at the end of July. The other two Republicans challenging Blumenthal are former Republican leader in the General Assembly Themis Klarides and conservative lawyer Peter Lumaj.

One columnist, typical of many, wrote immediately after the debate, “None of the three found a moment to denounce Trump’s attempts to overturn the result of the 2020 election. The collective zero they scored during their only debate adds to the reasons none of them will be in the Senate the next time it gathers to affirm the counting of electoral votes and the election of a president.”

The columnist, some Republicans speculated, was simply tilling the ground for a future editorial endorsement favoring Blumenthal in the left of center paper for which he writes.

It’s always possible the Republicans do not wish to throw the baby, Trump’s sound policies in domestic and foreign affairs, out with the wash water.

Anti-Trump Democrats and Republicans continue to nip remorselessly at Trump’s heels, and they have done so ever since he “stole the presidential election,” as they suppose, from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Democrats in the U.S. House, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, attempted but failed to remove Trump from office during a lengthy impeachment process.

Republicans in Connecticut never have had much difficulty denouncing Trump’s deplorable manners and his unorthodox – by most conservative standards – campaign roughhouse, not every Republican’s cup of tea. Trump has been out of office for more than a year and a half, gone but not forgotten.

Oddly, there has been precious little reporting or commentary during this time within Connecticut’s pro-Biden media on the President’s wayward son, Hunter Biden. Zero Hedge is reporting, “Several FBI whistleblowers say that the agency's probe into Hunter Biden was internally sabotaged during the 2020 election in order to derail the investigation, after agents wrongfully deemed verified evidence as ‘disinformation’ to ignore.”

And there has been little commentary in Connecticut's media concerning Clinton’s largely successful attempt to fabricate a false collusion fable involving the loudmouth Trump and President of Russia Vladimir Putin, who has ambitions to become President of Ukraine as well – if the Biden administration continues to balk at providing Ukraine with the weapons it needs to defend itself against a superior offensive force.

The false Russian collusion charge lasted throughout the Trump presidency and beyond, during which time an affronted left leaning media was only too happy to keep the ball rolling through major outlets for more than four years.

Dick Blumenthal, the “Senator From Planned Parenthood,” has yet to be invited by Connecticut's media to denounce in fulsome terms:

1) Present Joe Biden’s abject surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban, declared a terrorist organization throughout the Obama administration.

2) Biden’s surprising sharp turn to the left, which should have been evident to Eastern Seaboard political commentators thirty seconds after the release of the Democrat Party platform, constructed by Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders and The Squad, four proto-Marxists.

3) Biden’s invisible southern border that continues to import into the United States record numbers of illegal aliens from, at last count, 106 countries, along with assorted criminals who carry into the United States deadly fentanyl “made in China,” an anti-American behemoth that has made use of American global companies to furnish its treasury with enough “made in America” cash to sink several battleships.

CNN, no friend of Trump, reported last January, “Border agents reported a 1,066% increase in fentanyl seized in south Texas last year.” And “Agents from Brownsville, Texas, to San Diego, California, apprehended 232,628 illegal border crossers in May, the highest monthly total in at least 23 years,” according to provisional Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data obtained by The Epoch Times.”

4) Biden’s apparent inability to distinguish Middle-East enemies --  a reconstituted “Axis of Evil,” China, Iran, Russia and Syria -- from friends: Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, nations that appear to be getting along with each other, thanks to a diplomatic intervention by Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, never to be confused with Hunter Biden, paid lavishly by Chinese influencers and other corrupt national enterprises because his father was Vice President and later President of the United States.

5) Biden’s political convenient cloud of unknowing. He appears unable to grasp what inflation is, what a recession is, or what “is” is.

President Ronald Reagan, always quotable, said about inflation, “When a business or an individual spends more than it makes, it goes bankrupt. When government does it, it sends you the bill. And when government does it for 40 years, the bill comes in two ways: higher taxes and inflation. Make no mistake about it, inflation is a tax, and not by accident.”

Inflation is, indeed, a hidden tax. And one cannot recover from the disastrous consequences of inflation by imposing more taxes on top of the inflation tax.

Reagan might have been surprised to find himself in agreement, at least on the point of inflation, with Vladimir Lenin: “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.”

Perhaps the columnist cited above can be persuaded to devote at least some of his attention to the current Blumenthal-Biden political nexus.


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