The opening day
of Connecticut’s new tax and spend season had been postponed because of a snow
storm. But the storm was neither long enough nor the snow deep enough to prevent
legislators from making their appointed rounds.
Dannel Malloy, the author of the largest tax increase in Connecticut’s history,
was characteristically optimistic – utopians usually are – and his opening day speech, a spare 43- minutes, was interrupted by the
General Assembly members assembled more than 50 times.
Together we’ve turned a $3.6 billion deficit into a $500
million surplus (unfortunately, the General Assembly is looking forward to future
we should continue to reduce our long-term debt by making an
extra $100 million payment toward state pension obligations. The return on that
investment will mean a $430 million reduction in our long-term debt…
we should give something back to Connecticut taxpayers, (a
$55 slice of the temporary budget surplus) because if the people of Connecticut
are going to share in the sacrifice during tough times, (and they did, coughing up $1.8 billion in new taxes)
they should also share in the recovery as things begin to turn around…
we can issue a targeted refund to Connecticut taxpayers to
return to them some of the sales and gas taxes they’ve paid. A refund of $110
for families and $55 for individuals will help offset the payments they’ve made
toward those taxes… (Mr. Malloy did not provide in his speech a number indicating
the amount of the tax payments they had made after Mr. Malloy became governor,
but the amount, $1.8 billion, dwarfs the temporary targeted refund)…
by giving money back to people who will spend it on things
they need, we’re also injecting $155 million directly into our state's economy.
Economists at the University of Connecticut predict that this refund could
result in 1,200 new jobs in Connecticut this year…
[In the future] whenever Connecticut has the means, (not, according
to figures supplied by Comptroller Kevin Lembo, in the near future) we do three
things: we shore up our savings, we reduce our debt, and we give back to
our teachers’ pension payments are taxed differently than
social security – which teachers can’t participate in. Let’s treat teachers’
pensions more like social security by exempting part of those payments from the
state income tax (the exemption will be permanent, not temporary, and certainly
not contingent upon the fabled Connecticut recovery)…
the tax cuts in my proposed budget amount to more than $280
million over the next two years, and more than $440 million when you include
the tax refund...
let’s commit Connecticut to achieving universal
It will be a long and thoughtful process, but if you believe
as I do that education is the civil rights issue of our time, then I ask you to
join me today in taking the first steps toward making sure every child has
access to a pre-k experience…
let’s help make college a little more affordable.
We can do it with a simple promise to Connecticut parents:
beginning this year, for every child born or adopted in Connecticut, the state
will help them start a tax-free college savings account and put a $100
investment into it for them…
And if parents save another $150 dollars in the first four
years, we’ll match that for a total state investment of $250 dollars…
I look forward to working with our great treasurer Denise Nappier to create this “CHET Baby Scholars” program…
The “Transform CSCU 2020” initiative will provide an initial
investment of more than $134 million to help bring all 17 campuses into a
single, student-centered, technology rich-system...
When a student fails to graduate from college it’s a lost
opportunity for the student…
Here’s what we can do.
If you're a student who began a degree program but have been
out of school for more than 18 months, Connecticut will offer one free course
for each course you take at a public college – and up to three free courses in
total – if you come back and matriculate.
This "Go Back to Get Ahead" program will run for a
limited amount of time…
Teddy Roosevelt said a century ago that it’s not the critic
who counts, but those who strive to do great things…
Mark Twain called Connecticut “the land of steady habits,” and through our long and storied history, many of
those habits have driven us to accomplish great things. Our courage helped
found this country, and our ingenuity helped spur the industrial revolution…
We hear plenty of critics now. Even as sunshine begins to
break through the clouds, there are some intent on hoping for thunderstorms…
We should not listen. Connecticut is moving forward…
And now, during this session, those critics will say that for
one reason or another that we can’t increase the minimum wage,
that we can’t expand access to early childhood education, that we can’t find
ways to make college more affordable.
They’ll say the time isn’t right, or that Connecticut just
can’t afford to do it.
I say they’re wrong. Connecticut must move forward,
because the people of our state have sacrificed, and now they deserve to share (if only temporarily and contingently) in our emerging recovery... (It took
Connecticut 10 years to recover the jobs lost during the state’s last, softer
recession, following the Weicker income tax increases. This recovery will be
longer and tougher, following the Malloy tax increases).
The question before us is how should we define ourselves: by
our setbacks, or by our successes?...
This session, let this be our answer:
That together we will have the courage to continue pushing
for bold, positive change;
The compassion to ensure that everyone can share in
Connecticut’s recovery;
And the faith to believe that Connecticut’s best days are
still ahead.
Thank you. May God bless you, may God bless the United States
of America, and may God bless the great State of Connecticut.
There was
one laugh line in Mr. Malloy’s speech: “I recognize everything I’ve laid out
today is a lot to tackle in a short session. But working together, we can get
it done.”
Mr. Malloy
is not known for having a prominent funny bone. This line provoked chuckles
because the legislators assembled before him were sensible that his speech was
an opening to the “short legislative session.” No doubt some Republicans -- never part of Mr. Malloy's "we" -- were thinking,
“Well, the executive office proposes and the legislative office disposes.”
Considering the short legislative season, traditionally devoted to smoothing over goofs and unintended consequences in the state budget, Mr. Malloy’s ambitions may have seemed to non-utopians in the audience a trifle…
well, ambitious.
But, then
again, opening speeches during a new legislative session are to be taken, as
Mark Twain says, “with a ton of salt.” Mr. Malloy's address was taken by some
in the audience as call to campaign arms rather than a serious spasm of
legislative marching orders. As a campaign document, the Malloy address makes
good progressive sense. There were some few things it for all the usual Democratic
Party interest groups; for instance, numerous unions in the service, retail and
hospitality businesses link their base-line wages to the minimum wage and will
benefit monetarily from any minimum wage increase. Real benefits to the
taxpayers and hard pressed businesses in the state -- such as permanent income
tax cuts, permanent and immediate reductions in regulations and across the
board business tax cuts, rather than selective, crony capitalist measures
designed to inflate the power of puffed up politicians -- were kept at a
I am surprised in scanning his speech that Governor Malloy made no mention of progress on that busway between New Britain and Hartford. Even more surprising is his failure to note the impressive achievements in Connecticut's implementation of Obamacare, especially its expansion of Medicaid.
Access Health CT has signed up more than 86,001 customers by the end of Wednesday, which includes 43,840 people in private plans and 42,161 who learned they are income eligible for government-funded Medicaid.
"For too long we've talked about the problem of people being unable to afford quality health care, and now, Connecticut has finally done something about it," Malloy said in a statement...
The enrollment figures include 50,665 who bought private insurance plans and 71,318 who were eligible for Medicaid, which is federally funded medical coverage for low-income individuals and families.
Good to have those figures. I'm sure you've noticed by now that the gimmes in the Opening Day speech were not cordially received -- even by the left of center media; that's progress.