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The Hillary Papers

The Hillary papers have now surfaced in The Washington Free Beacon, a nonprofit online newspaper the senior editor of which is seasoned news reporter Bill Gertz. The Beacon, established in 2012, is a publication that is considerably more trustworthy than former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Just ask Stan Greenberg, the husband of 3rd District U.S. Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro.

Mr. Greenberg, pollster to Democratic political stars, is the moneybags of the DeLauro political operation.

Mr. Greenberg and Celinda Lake were in 1992 the chief pollsters for the Bill Clinton presidential campaign. Around that time, they issued a confidential memo – an oxymoron in the Washington Beltway sieve – the subject of which was “Research on Hillary Clinton.”

The pollsters found that people admired the strength of the Arkansas power couple, but there was a caveat:  “they also fear that only someone too politically ambitious, too strong, and too ruthless could survive such controversy so well. The survey concluded, “What voters find slick in Bill Clinton, they find ruthless in Hillary.”

The Greenberg memo is but a drop is a fairly large bucket, according to the Beacon an archive “of one of Hillary Clinton’s best friends and advisers, documents that portray the former first lady, secretary of State, and potential 2016 presidential candidate as a strong, ambitious, and ruthless Democratic operative.

“The papers of Diane Blair, a political science professor Hillary Clinton described as her “closest friend” before Blair’s death in 2000, record years of candid conversations with the Clintons on issues ranging from single-payer health care to Monica Lewinsky.”

This is what is known in the Beltway sieve a campaign "bump in the road." The Clintons have during their political progress survived a few bumps and grinds and semen stained dresses, but the archive is large, like the toothsome mouth of a shark, and the Clintons may be running out of wiggle room.


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