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Shiff, Nadler, Pelosi |
President Donald Trump likely will survive his impeachment
in the Democrat ruled U.S. House for the simple reason that impeachment –
really, removal from office – always occurs in two steps; an impeachment
hearing in the House, and a trial in the Senate. The House returns a bill of
impeachment to the Senate where the offender is tried and, if the Senate
affirms the impeachment charges, the target is removed from office. No one
expects the Senate to toss Trump to the wolves, not even sainted anti-Trumpers
such as U.S. Senator Dick Blumenthal, whose Trump vendetta began long ago when
Trump attempted to wrest the Empire State
building from his father-in-law, New York real estate tycoon Peter Malkin.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, the
Democrat’s relentless Javier, knew all this going in, which helps to explain
why Pelosi was so ambivalent early in the impeachment process. Pelosi may have
been thinking that removal from office would be impossible because the Senate
was in Republican hands. She may have been persuaded by hotter heads in
Congress that an impeachment affirmation in the House, even if it were to fail
in the Senate, would provide an irresistible opportunity to fatally tarnish
Trump’s already tattered reputation prior to the 2020 elections. Republicans – and
increasingly unaffiliateds – now rightly suspect that the Trump removal process
began during the administration of “President Barack Obama the Awesome,” shortly
after Trump stepped off the down escalator in Trump Tower to announce, to
catcalls from the “Never Trumpers,” that he was booking a semi-permanent
residency in the White House.
A late November Quinnipiac
Poll shows an unaccountable uptick in Trump’s popularity,
despite two weeks of harrowing House impeachment hearings: “Two weeks of public
impeachment hearings in the news haven't hurt President Trump's popularity
among American voters. While 40 percent of all registered voters approve of the
job President Trump is doing, 54 percent disapprove. This compares to a 38 - 58
percent approval rating in an October 23 poll, and falls within the range of
where his job approval rating has been over about the last two years.”
The wholly political pre-impeachment period has lasted a few
years now, and the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) is getting a wee bit
antsy. Their latest ALERT reads:
“BREAKING FROM THE HILL: Gallup Polling Shows Trump Support RISING
Amidst Impeachment.” The breathless text reads: “The impeachment inquiry is
shedding more light than ever on Donald Trump's lies and corruption. Despite
this, recent Gallup polling shows the president's support has INCREASED during
the impeachment proceedings. Trump's Republican allies are doing everything
they can to prop him up and obstruct the impeachment inquiry, so it's up to the
American people to hold him accountable. With Trump's support rising, we
sponsored an urgent Trump Approval Poll that will run until 11:59 p.m. We still
haven't received your response, so please record your answer now.”
The circular is a sly bid for contributions to the DGA. In
Washington DC, every setback, fictitious or real, is instantly transmuted into a
bid for cash. For the past half century, Washington has been in crisis mode. The
Democrat Party has been to school with former Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel,
who gave away the game when he advised his fellow Democrats – “Never let a good
crisis go to waste.” Corollary: If there is no crisis, invent one.
Meanwhile in Connecticut, a headline from The Day
blares: “Navy inks $22.2 billion contract with Electric Boat for at least nine
new submarines,” not the best of news for Democrats.
It seems only yesterday that U.S. Congressman Joe Courtney
was advertising himself in his re-election campaign as “Two Sub Joe.” The U.S.
Navy tells us that President Donald Trump has given Electric Boat a total of
ten subs -- eight more than two. Trump’s military procurement policy, the
opposite of Obama the Awesome’s de-procurement policy, is threatening to lift
Connecticut economic boats that have been underwater since former “Maverick”
Governor Lowell Weicker graced the state with his income tax.
According to a story in a
Hartford paper, “Amid a hard turn right, Republican leaders in
Connecticut sticking by Trump through impeachment inquiry.” Miracle of miracles, it would appear that
leading Republicans in Connecticut are no longer hiding behind the flower pots
as Schiff and Pelosi pursue their ill-fated attempt to remove Trump from
Many news operations in the state are taking down names of
Republicans who, so the left in Connecticut believes, are unwilling to assent
to the House’s glittering generalizations. “To say most Republican leaders in
Connecticut are standing by President Donald Trump during the impeachment
inquiry would be an enormous understatement,” one newspaper announced recently. “[Republican]
Party officials, from state Chairman J.R. Romano to local town committee
leaders, are vigorously defending the president’s character, dismissing the
charges against him as a partisan attack by Democrats still reeling from
Trump’s unexpected victory in 2016.”
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth no
doubt will come out in the wash; it usually does – eventually. But the wash is
not yet done, and the tossing and tumbling may continue into the Spring, when a
long awaited comprehensive report on the foreshortened prequel to the
indecisive Muller report filed by State Attorney from the District of
Connecticut John Durham pierces the enveloping darkness.