Morality through
the ages has always been an OK-Not-OK proposition. Some things were just not to
be suffered gladly and, before the ascendancy of the new morality, it generally
had been agreed that society had a moral obligation to impose sanctions on
persistent cultural deviants. This proposition was heartily rejected by the
sons and daughters of the Woodstock Generation, some of whose adherents are now
pontificating from the hallowed halls of the U.S. Congress.
In connection with
the presumed manifold sins of prospective U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett
Kavanaugh, one longs for a voice rising above clamorous moral maenads in the
Democrat Party – saints Schumer, Blumenthal and Feinstein, U.S. Senators all –
“Let he ( and, to be fair, she) who is without sin cast the first
stone.” It is impossible at this point to tell whether any of Kavanagh’s
accusers are “without sin,” chiefly because New Yorker magazine reporter Ronan
Farrell has not yet searched the backgrounds – going back more
than 30 years – of Kavanaugh’s accusers.
What are the sins
of Kavanaugh, other than his adherence to an originalist doctrinal
interpretation of the U.S. Constitution? They are, if we are to believe his
accusers, schoolboy sins of the flesh, a claim vigorously denied under penalty
of perjury by Kavanaugh and other witnesses named by his accusers.
It is alleged by the
accuser – whose name is here withheld from an abundance of delicacy -- that
Kavanaugh did, when he was a high school student, drag her from a hallway into
a bedroom and fondle her, making “a clumsy attempt to disrobe her.”
According to the
accuser’s account, Kavanaugh was joined by his friend who piled on
top of Kavanaugh, who was piled on top of the accuser. She was wearing a
bathing suit at the time. Kavanaugh and the school friend of his who supposedly
participated in the sexual roughhouse were, the accuser disclosed to the New
York Post, drunk at the time. We do not know whether the accuser was also drunk
or why she was wearing a bathing suit. At least one Sherlock Holmes thought the
bathing suit may have been important because it suggested the unidentified
house at which the event may or may not have occurred may or may not have had a
pool, a datum that might help to place the event at a specific location.
There were four
people present in the house at the time, three of whom, including Kavanaugh,
have denied the charge under penalty of perjury. Although the charge against
Kavanaugh has been widely advertised in the media and accepted as true by many,
we do not know where the sexual assault took place, or what year, month and day
it had occurred. Nor do we know as yet whether any convincing, unimpeachable
evidence will be brought forward to show that the event occurred as represented
by his accuser. The accuser did not report the molestation when it was alleged
to have occurred to the police or anyone close to her, including her parents.
The Judiciary Committee investigating Kavanaugh will be questioning her
sometime soon -- maybe.
The mere accusation
was convincing enough for the more saintly of the stone throwers. After examining
the blurred outlines of the accusation, Blumenthal, Connecticut’s Attorney
General for more than 20 years, issued an obiter dictum in one of
his tweets: “I believe Dr. Ford. We have every reason to believe a
survivor who comes forward at great personal risk under hostile
scrutiny. We have every reason to doubt Judge Kavanaugh—after his evasive seemingly misleading testimony.” Blumenthal's unshakable belief was not the result
of evidence offered; the reader will note the artful and lawyerly placement of
the words “seemingly misleading” testimony. Kavanaugh's testimony,
delivered to the Judiciary Committee after a very lengthy and thorough
interrogation, did not convince Blumenthal -- because Connecticut's former Attorney General was never disposed to regard as convincing ANY
testimony save that of Kavanaugh's accusers.
In Blumenthal, the will to believe overcomes rationality and justice. And the will to believe is cousin to the will to persuade.
In Blumenthal, the will to believe overcomes rationality and justice. And the will to believe is cousin to the will to persuade.
“First the verdict,
then the trial,” said the Queen of Hearts in Lewis Carroll’s Alice's
Adventures in Wonderland. Blumenthal graduated to the Queen of
Hearts school of jurisprudence after having spent more than two decades as
Connecticut Attorney General, in which position his modus operandi was
unvarying: Blumenthal first made accusations against his targets in the media,
then tried his best, more often than not successfully, to encumber his victim’s
assets, so that the accused would not have the means to defend himself (or,
to be fair, herself ) from costly, seeming interminable
litigation. When Blumenthal moved from the Attorney General’s office to the
U.S. Senate, carrying all of his virtues and vices in his portmanteau, he
bequeathed to incoming Attorney General George Jepsen more than two hundred
cases that Jepsen quickly dismissed, freeing Blumenthal’s targets, wiser but
much poorer, from the litigation racks upon which they had been stretched.
It has been obvious
for some time that New York Senator Chuck Schumer and his political colluders
on the Judiciary Committee, Blumenthal and California Senator Dianne Feinstein,
have been intent on delaying a vote in the Senate to affirm or deny Trump’s nominee
to the high court. A delay past the November elections – assuming a blue wave
will put Democrats in charge of one or both houses of congress -- may give
progressive Democrats an opportunity to snuff ANY appointment made to ANY court
by Trump. Blumenthal has opposed all attempts to regulate his beloved Planned
Parenthood abortionists. It is, to say the least odd, to find the former Attorney General regulator-in-chief now passionately fulminating in
the Senate against bills that require abortionists to notify the parents of
children seeking abortions that their daughters may suffer a serious operation
by medical personnel who may not have visiting privileges at nearby hospitals.
Far more than the
sensible regulation of serious surgical procedures, Democrats fear the lengthening shadow of Justice Scalia, an originalist whose judicial philosophy embraces the
now heterodox notion that the best way to preserve the lauded constitutional
separation of powers is to require judges to adhere to constitutional prescriptions
as they had been understood by the architects of the U.S. Constitution.
Kavanaugh has said
numerous times during his testimony that he regards Roe v. Wade as settled law,
but Blumenthal, the senator from Planned Parenthood, continues to frighten pro-abortionists
with the notion that the settled law will be quickly unsettled if Kavanaugh is
elevated to the court. This hobgoblin of the progressive left has weakened
virtues and hideously strengthened vices.