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Harris In New Britain, Connecticut

Foreign-Born in the U.S., Number and Percent, 1900-2022, plus Census Bureau Projections to 2060, from Center for Immigration Studies

Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to New Britain, Connecticut was carefully plotted and scripted. She came, she saw, she conquered, she left – without suffering interrogation from a contrarian media.

No probing questions on important issues of the day were asked of her during the campaign stop, and her visit was well north of the International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas, near the Mexico-U.S. semi-permeable border. In the recent past, both Harris and President Joe Biden have been chided in some quarters for not having visited points along the border heavily infiltrated by illegal migrants from various nations. Early in October, the New York Post noted, “Vice President and Biden White House migration czar Kamala Harris is heading back to Texas — just not to the US-Mexico border.”

On August 31, 2022, CBSNews reported, “During the first 10 months of fiscal year 2022, Border Patrol agents along the Mexican border reported more than 1.8 million apprehensions, a new record high that will likely surpass 2 million when fiscal year 2023 starts in October, according to the CBP [Customs and Border Protection] figures.”

Harris was interviewed by Representative Jahana Hayes, running for re-election in Connecticut’s 5th District against  Republican George Logan, a former State Senator, and Planned Parenthood President Alexis McGill Johnson. It was a highly scripted, friendly, kiss and don’t tell interview.

Harris was not asked to comment on the transportation of illegal migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, considered cruel and unusual punishment by Democrats on the campaign stump, even though Republican gubernatorial aspirant Bob Stefanowski has publically criticized the move as “disgusting. You don’t want to play politics with families. It’s not right.”

Stefanowski has also said -- and for the soundest of reasons -- that he will not, if elected governor, veto a Connecticut law duly passed by the General Assembly in 1990 that codified Roe v. Wade.

Newly elected governors in Connecticut have never been in the habit of vetoing state laws well established more than thirty years ago. Current laws can only be changed by legislatures. However, firm denials and political impossibilities have not restrained Democrats from declaring in their false ads that Stefanowski, if elected governor, will disturb long affirmed Connecticut abortion laws. The Supreme Court has declared that decision making on abortion properly belongs to legislators, not state governors or judges.

The current position on abortion of U.S. Senator Dick Blumenthal – no regulation is to be permitted -- is extremist, not moderate. If it were possible to raise unregulated abortion to the level of a holy sacrament, Blumenthal would be the new religion’s high priest. His reluctance to allow any regulation of Big Abortion is passing strange in someone who, as Attorney General for twenty years, regularly regulated everything from breakfast cereals to banks.

Stefanowski can never move fast enough or often enough to the left to harvest what state journalists used to call in times past Connecticut’s “vital center,” i.e. moderate voters. In current state Democrat politics, the vital center has moved far left, having been hijacked by progressives decades ago.

Harris’s appearance in Connecticut was billed by the White House as “an official trip,” not a campaign appearance. Harris, however has got into the bad habit of affirming denials she has made, sometimes in the same sentence. Was Harris’ appearance in New Britain a campaign appearance or not? No, Harris insisted, “This is not a political event.” Her stout denial was followed immediately by a “but” … “but it is a fact that in 34 days there is a midterm coming up. The facts must be spoken.”

Yes indeed, but not all the facts, and not all the time. “Get your facts first,” Mark Twain once said, “and then you can distort them as much as you please.”

The brouhaha over abortion in Connecticut – an abortion sanctuary if ever there was one – is designed, some state Republicans boldly insist, as a glittering distraction, little more than a magician’s bauble to yank public attention away from crushing problems left unresolved by the Biden-Harris administration, which, assisted by miracle workers in Connecticut’s left of center media, has been unaccountably successful.

Shortly before Harris’ stump speech on behalf of Hayes, Logan told reporters, “All they’ve done is lie about my record [in agitprop political ads]. They have refused to acknowledge my record of consistently supporting a woman’s right to choose. Instead, they use lies and scare tactics to distract from reality because they are desperate. ... Vice President Harris isn’t coming to Connecticut because Congresswoman Hayes is doing such a good job. No. They’re desperate. I believe in parental consent. Congresswoman Hayes does not believe in parental consent.”

And, just prior to Harris visit, Republican Party Chairman Ben Proto let loose a not unexpected barrage, according to a piece in a Hartford paper.  Harris, said Proto, was “’trying to bolster a failing campaign… trying to fear-monger on an issue that really isn’t an issue in Connecticut. This is their shiny object to try to distract people. The October surprise is coming’ when families see their quarterly 401 (k) statements for the third quarter that ended on Sept. 30.”

Hayes, the reporter noted, “declined to comment on the statements by Logan and Proto.”


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