Following Governor Ned Lamont's presentation of his budget to
the General Assembly, the question remains: Is Ned Lamont Malloy II? He may
turn out to be Malloy without the quills
Lamont’s budget includes hefty
increases in taxes; as defined here, a tax is any dollar that moves from
private wallets into the public treasury. Accumulatively, Lamont’s tax extensions
– they are not a revocation of tax exemptions – closely approaches the tax
increases of the Malloy administration. Taxes under
the Lamont administration will also be made more progressive according to the reliable
Marxian formula: "From each
according to his ability, to each according to his needs."
Because of past economic sleight of hand, the neediest
recipient of state dollars, it turns out, is the state treasury. In the past,
when expenses have gone up and revenue has plummeted, Connecticut has increased
taxes to recover ensuing deficits. Lamont repeats the process in a higher key.
The Lamont administration follows the most tax prone administration
in state history. Taken together,
Malloy’s two major tax increases represent the largest tax increase of any
administration in state history. Those increases were attended by predictable
results, one of which -- in the absence of long term, permanent cuts in
spending – has been a widening gap between revenue and expenses. Malloy’s last
gift to Lamont was a contractual provision that robbed Lamont of one of the
principal tools used by all Connecticut governors in union contract
negotiations, a no-layoff provision in a contract that does not expire until
Progressives in the state think more revenue is to be had
from the wealthiest taxpayers living the life in what used to be called
Connecticut’s “Gold Coast,” mostly Fairfield County.
We’ve all heard U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren’s fulminations
against the rich, and Connecticut’s General Assembly is full of progressives beating
the same drum, but good luck with that in Connecticut. When a similar threat
was raised in New York, the shrieks of Governor Andrew Cuomo could he heard
from Albany to Manhattan. Cuomo warned his progressive compatriots that the
loss of revenue could not be made up by continuing to tax at increasingly
higher rates the wealthiest New Yorkers, the top 1 percent of whom already
contribute 46 percent of all government revenue. “God forbid,” he said, “if the
rich leave.”
They likely will not be coming to Connecticut.
The Lamontists, like Malloyalists, continue to argue that
new revenue streams are necessary to discharge deepening debt. And where there may be no debt, the Lamont
administration is willing to create both the debt and the need. A report filed the
day after Malloy presented his budget to the General Assembly, a piratical
Democrat crew, illuminates the ploy. Marc Fitch, an investigative reporter for
the Yankee Institute who is congenitally incapable of letting a Martin Looney-like
stratagem pass under his nose without notice, remarks in Lamont Budget Bankrupts Transportation
Fund, Then Touts Tolls to Save It,
that the Lamont administration’s “budget will freeze the transfer of
vehicle sales tax revenue from the General Fund to the Special Transportation
Fund, essentially bankrupting the state's transportation fund by 2021.
“The sales tax transfer from the General Fund to the STF [State Transportation Fund] was
scheduled to be phased in from 8 percent of car sales tax revenue to 100 percent
by 2024. General Fund transfers are not protected by the new Transportation
Lock Box. Freezing the sales tax transfer at 8 percent will leave the STF
underfunded by $729.8 million by 2024, according to the governor’s budget…
“Whereas the STF was projected to have a surplus and
increase revenue by $300
million over the next three years, according to budget projections by the
Office of Fiscal Analysis and the Office of Policy and Management, the
governor’s budget short-changes the STF by $1.19 billion over the next five
The budget sleight of hand will permit the Lamont
administration to argue that tolling is necessary to discharge a deficit in the
transportation fund caused by an administration responsible for the deficit.
wonders how many progressive Malloyalist cooks it took to serve up the Lamont stew
of “exemption eliminations,” an Orwellian expression designed to convince
nutmeggers that the state, which has a claim on all assets formerly owned by
private citizens, is reasserting a permanent, broad and general claim to all
the people's wealth and assets. Once the general electorate
assents to the state’s false claim, it is supposed citizens will be relieved
that the state has not taken a bigger bite out of their wallets. Lamont is too
new to the usual Orwellian misdirections of incumbent politicians to have
devised the serpentine dodges everywhere evident in his budget. It may be too
much to expect the real culprits to step forward and own the clever propaganda,
but one must suppose that Malloy, the ex-Governor’s former Office of Policy Management
chief Ben Barnes and the two leaders of the Democrat dominated General Assembly,
President Pro Tem of the Senate Martin Looney and Speaker of the House Joe Aresimowicz,
may have cooked up the toxic stew.
Lamont is new to the business, but he appears to be a quick
How many Connecticut companies will add thousands of new jobs because of the Lamont budget ?
The financial emergency that Connecticut has faced for many years STARTS with dramatic budget cuts.
The Lamont budget is more smoke and mirrors than demands Connecticut citizens sacrifice while government remains bloated and inefficient.
Cut $ 2 BILLION from the LAST budget, then we'll talk.