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Dodd Ready For His Close Up

Depending upon which report one credits, former U.S. Sen, Chris Dodd may be on his way to Hollywood to accept a position as a lobbyist for Tinseltown.

Citing a person close to the Motion Picture Association of America, the Los Angeles Times reported that “Dodd had emerged as the top contender and was now the only candidate in negotiations for the job, which pays $1.2 million a year.”

The transition from the U.S. Senate to Hollywood should be effortless for Dodd, who in the past has rubbed shoulders with some notable denizens of Fantasyland.

No doubt some critics of the former senator will get in their licks.

When Mr. Dodd threw his hat in the presidential ring sometime past, a Washington based British journalist writing for the Tribune Review noted sourly in a column that Mr. Dodd had been friendly with Bianca Jagger, Mick’s ex-wife.

The columnist noted bitterly in a January 2007 report that Mr. Dodd was known as the Senator from Accounting” owing to the legislation he had initiated for the finance industry.

So, what is Wall Street buying, the columnist asked:

“A politician who believes that our embargo of Cuba is wrong and who loves Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's dictator. Claiming to be an expert on Latin America, Chris Dodd has never worked for democracy or freedom for the countries south of the Rio Grande.

“Instead, in the days before his marriage to Jackie Marie Clegg, a friend of Bill Clinton's, Dodd was a close friend of Bianca Jagger -- who some say also was a Cuban agent while living and working for the Marxists in Nicaragua as the public-relations lady for the international press. There, Bianca reported to Tomas Borges, the Cuban who ran Nicaragua's security regime.

“Now in her 60s, Bianca embraces the causes of Fidel and the other Latino communists back in power. And Dodd would like to be the first American president receiving orders from Havana.

“Since the 1980s, Dodd has sought and received much of his information on Latin America from Washington's Institute for Policy Studies.

“Will it -- and Bianca -- be staffing Dodd's White House in 2008?”
Well sir, Dodd’s presidential ambitions crashed, as we all know, on the rocks of reality; and he quickly moved on to produce regulatory legislation that real accountants might consider inappropriate for a country entering a new dark age, not to mention a depression of FDR like proportions.

Hollywood beckons. Mrs. Clegg-Dodd approving, there may even be a place in Mr. Dodd’s Hollywood for Ms. Jagger. Castro though is bound for another kind of glory. Even now, pro and anti-Dodd commentators the world over are preparing their obits for the Latin American dictator.

And Mr. Dodd?

He’s ready for his close up now.


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