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Is Kamala Harris a Phony?

"Everything has to be connected to the deeper case that Ms. Harris is weak and a phony and doesn’t truly care about the country or the middle class." These words written by Rich Lowry of National Review appeared, astonishingly, in the New York Times.

For those of us whose youth was misspent in the post-World War II years, the word “phony”, Holden Caulfield’s most often used deprecation in J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye, has a prickly resonance. The book first appeared in 1951.

Caulfield is a stubborn realist, and he rarely fails to confide to us his unvarnished thoughts: “The part that got me was, there was a lady sitting next to me that cried all through the goddam picture. The phonier it got, the more she cried. You'd have thought she did it because she was kindhearted as hell, but I was sitting right next to her, and she wasn't. She had this little kid with her that was bored as hell and had to go to the bathroom, but she wouldn't take him. She kept telling him to sit still and behave himself. She was about as kindhearted as a goddam wolf.”

There were lots of tears shed at the now concluded Democrat National Convention that centered on joy, joy, joy, the Goddess of the joyful convention. The tears were joyful to be sure, and in November we shall all see how many Caulfields there are in the larger voting audience.

Maureen Dowd of the Times shed part of her fan base when, prior to the convention, she characterized the rude ouster of President Joe Biden by fellow Democrats as “a jaw-dropping putsch.” Not shy about mentioning names, she made reference to “the handprints of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries on the president’s back.” Pelosi and others, she wrote, have shamelessly and disingenuously feted Biden since stabbing him in the back.

Dowd’s review of the convention in yet another column was also hard-edged. A few excerpts follow:

“The cameras kept cutting to Pelosi’s face during Biden’s speech Monday night amid a sea of bobbing blue ‘We (heart) Joe’ signs and ‘We love you, Joe!’ chants, looking for signs of the pair’s schism. Some skeptical observers thought Pelosi was forcing her smile, as though, one person joked on X, you were singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to a co-worker you hate… Mindy Kaling introduced Pelosi on Wednesday night as ‘brat before brat was brat,’ and as ‘the Mother of Dragons’ … Then she [Pelosi] moved to the matter of most importance to her: defeating the former president who egged on his ‘patriots’ to smear the Capitol with feces and blood, bringing violence and sedition to that hallowed building … ‘Let us not forget who assaulted democracy on Jan. 6,’ Pelosi said. ‘HE [Trump] DID. But let us not forget who saved democracy that day, WE DID’… She quoted ‘The Star-Spangled Banner,’ saying, ‘We gave proof through the night that our flag was still there’ … Nancy Pelosi did help save democracy that night. And she helped save her party when she worked with others to persuade Biden that it was time to go home to Wilmington. Mother of Dragons, indeed.”

Dowd’s reflections on the perfidies of phony Democrats will not last long should Harris succeed in defeating the Jan. 6 anti-democrats who continue, perversely, to support Trump, long denounced by Democrat patriots as a fascist intent on destroying American democracy.

Conventions come and go. But the appointee of the Democrat National Convention to the presidency, assuming Harris defeats Trump in the 2024 November election, will continue on her unobstructed way for four to eight years in the future. A good many people are still asking, “Who is the media shy Kamala Harris?”

Harris is now engaged in running against both Vice president Kamala Harris and Harris the joyful Democrat candidate for president. And she cannot claim title to the second without abandoning her title to the first, because the two political personas are at war with each other. She is, in the words of Lincoln, “a house divided against itself.” Harris, the New York Post has remarked, is now plagiarizing Trump’s positions on the border and “no taxes on tips.” The paper, noted for its amusing headlines, ran on its face page on Wednesday, August 28 the headline “Harris for Trump.”


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