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There Will Always Be A California

Newsom -- Eric RisbergAP

The answer to the age old question – Will there always be a California? -- is “Yes.”

California is a state, a geographical location that cannot not be moved to, say, the Eastern Seaboard, although people in California have been bleeding into other states for years.

The governor of California is the resourceful Gavin Newsom, who has just chosen as a temporary replacement for the dearly departed U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein Laphonza Butler, the President of Emily’s List, the financing arm in the United States of Big Abortion.

Problem: Registration records indicate Butler lives in Maryland, not California.

Solution to problem: Announce that Butler plans to establish legal residence in California soon after Democrats, who have ruled the political roost in “The Eureka! State” for decades, approve Gavin’s nomination of Butler as an interim replacement for Feinstein.

Newsom spokesperson Izzy Gardon has issued the following statement: "Butler is a longtime California resident and homeowner. She moved to the DC area when she became president of EMILY's List. Butler will re-register here before being sworn in."

Butler, after all, has several things going for her. She is Black, a woman, a gay person who has yet to announce the pronouns she wishes to be applied to her, and – perhaps most importantly -- she is President of Emily’s List, a post she has said she will surrender shortly after she is sworn in as California’s interim U.S. Senator. Precisely how “interim” the appointment may be, is anyone’s guess.

California has been for decades on the cutting edge of what the late Rush Limbaugh used to call “societal evolution.” Societal “revolution” under neo-progressive auspices would speed up the process of change considerably.

Although Newsom may not look like the late Karl Marx, he never-the-less warmly embraces Marx’s revolutionary dictum that “The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.”

The last conservative Governor of California was Ronald Reagan (1967-1975), who moved on to bigger and better things, becoming President of the United States (1981-1989), a route, some commentators tell us, Newsom hopes to traverse in the not too distant future.

The chief hurdle in Newsom’s way to the White House is current President Joe Biden, to whom Newsom has pledged his fealty “till death they do part.” Biden will be 84 years old, should he retain office when his second term expires in 2028, and Democrats are rather hoping that the octogenarian president will not expire before his prospective term ends.

God sometimes does work in mysterious ways, his miracles to perform. And Feinstein died, after all, full of years at age 90 with her congressional spurs on.

Biden’s Republican opponent for the presidency likely will be former President Donald Trump, weighed down by more than 90 charges issued in four separate criminal cases. Whether the weight of pending trials will be enough to sink the Trump bid for re-election to the presidency is anyone’s guess. We know that complex trials and appellate court challenges may last for decades. The wheels of both justice and injustice in the United States grind exceedingly slowly. Past attempts on the part of Democrats and certain Democrat friendly echo chambers in the U.S. media have failed to sink Trump, the Moby Dick of the country’s Democrat politicians.

Anti-Trump videos are piling up, even as polls show Trump leading Biden among voting sectors Biden must capture to win the presidency. Biden, for example, is losing support among culturally conservative Blacks.

Blacks in the United States have in the past suffered from racist court rulings, most notoriously the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision (1857) that held slaves to be property lawfully bought and sold rather than persons enjoying the rights and immunities of the U.S. Constitution. The Black standard of correct political behavior includes fidelity to the Constitution and a deep seated mistrust of political parties that in the past have not been sufficiently denounced by a media free of political ties – essentially, Martin Luther King’s position.

The historic Democrat Party of the post-Reconstruction, Jim Crow period has much to apologize for. A living memory will feel down the generations the bites of dogs set on freedom fighters such as King and Malcolm X.

Those in the North who wrongly suppose that racism never crossed the Mason-Dixon line have never read Henry David Thoreau’s Slavery in Massachusetts.

Remembering should be an act of forgiveness, not forgetfulness.


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