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Hunter Biden, Joe, and the Family Business

Hunter and Joe Biden -- logically ai

Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa is not a rhetorical flamethrower, unlike former President Donald Trump. And so, when Grassley “revealed from the Senate floor Monday,” according to a Fox News report, thatthe Burisma executive who allegedly paid Joe Biden and Hunter Biden kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with them as an ‘insurance policy’”, the story should have awakened sleepy journalists who were, at the moment, otherwise occupied covering the indictment of former President Donald Trump, the media’s longstanding fixation.

The “payments,” amounting to about $5 million, it had long ago been established, were for services rendered by President Joe Biden’s wayward son. Here and there in the past, a raised eyebrow had appeared in off-center publications.  Was the prodigal son a dupe of foreign powers, an undercover agent for the CIA perhaps? He sure was taking in a lot of money from China, whose fascist government has not yet proclaimed, as did shoe-pounder Nikita Khrushchev during the administration of John F. Kennedy, that it will “bury us.” Did Hunter’s dad know about his questionable dealings with foreign entities?

Dad several times pleaded ignorance.

Why were the governments of Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Romania and China paying Hunter Biden and other family members through shell companies such as Burisma millions of dollars when apparently everybody but his father Joe knew that Hunter was providing no product or service to these foreign entities, some of them, like fascist China, permanent enemies of the United States. Multiple members of the Biden Family were enriched by these payoffs.

Biden had strenuously denied several times that he knew what his son was up to, much of it displayed graphically in a computer the absent minded Hunter had left in a repair shop.

The New York Times informs us that Hunter’s business relationship with China was not all take, take: “The president’s son was part owner of a venture involved in the $3.8 billion purchase by a Chinese conglomerate of one of the world’s largest cobalt deposits. The metal is a key ingredient in batteries for electric vehicles.”

Electric vehicles, as a replacement for the environmentally devalued internal combustion engine, has been much on Biden’s mind both preceding and following son Hunter’s business ventures. Until recently, much of America’s media, preoccupied with Democrat Party campaign scripts, has devoted little attention to China’s abysmal human rights record, its largely successful attempts to create monopolies in necessary raw products such as rare earth materials, indispensible in computers and as a hardening agent for military weaponry.

Now Cobalt, a key ingredient in batteries for electric vehicles is being monopolized by fascist China.     

Grassley is telling us the FBI form says there are 17 audio recordings a Burisma executive had with Hunter, tucked away by the executive as “insurance,” just in case something went wrong – or was made to go wrong by powerful U.S. agencies such as, to pick one among many, the U.S. Justice Department – leaving the besieged Burisma executive “holding the bag,” as a Mafia bagman might put it.

After a tempestuous struggle to wrest from the FBI form FD-1023 that mentions the recordings -- redacted by the FBI in the data it sent, after much wrangling, to a U.S. Congress investigating committee -- Grassley fumed from the Senate floor, reminding FBI hoarders, “it’s important that the document be made public without unnecessary redactions for the American people to see."

“The FD-1023 form, dated June 30, 2020,” Fox News Digital has reported, “is the FBI's interview with a ‘highly credible’ confidential source who detailed multiple meetings and conversations he or she had with a top Burisma executive over the course of several years, starting in 2015.”

According to Grassley, the FBI produced, unclassified document also states that the executive possesses two audio recordings of phone calls between himself and then-Vice President Joe Biden, a claim strenuously denied in the past by the president.

Grassley slammed the FBI from the Senate floor for not complying with the House Oversight Committee’s subpoena, saying Congress "still lacks a full and complete picture with respect to what that document really says.

"That’s why it’s important that the document be made public without unnecessary redactions for the American people to see. The 1023 produced to that House Committee redacted reference that the foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his conversations with them -- 17 total recordings... According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses two audio recordings of phone calls between him and then-Vice President Joe Biden… The Justice Department and FBI must show their work. They no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt."

The FBI, chastened by threats of contempt of Congress, made an accommodation and, according to the Fox report, “later brought the form to a secure setting on Capitol Hill for all Oversight Committee members to view, but the document is still not in the committee's possession.”

This is startling behavior in an administration that claims almost weekly to be the custodian of American democracy. It bears repeating that the FBI document sought by the House Oversight Committee is unclassified.

There can be no democracy if the demos – the ancient Greek city state from which the word “democracy” is derived -- does not know what its administrators are doing, and why. It is the “why” that now is puzzling Republicans considered by the ruling Biden administration to be unfriendly to democracy.

Intense smoke of this kind strongly suggest a fire. None of the seven members of Connecticut’s all Democrat U.S. Congressional Delegations seem the least alarmed, and none of them are reaching for fire alarms.


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