When President Barack Obama arrived in Cuba on Palm Sunday
along with his retinue, so large that they displaced twelve journalism students
from Central Connecticut University who were dispatched to other quarters fifty
miles from Havana to make room for Mr. Obama, Raul Castro, still kicking at 85 years, did not greet the President at the airport. It
should be noted before passing on that Communist Cuba under the Castro brothers was never a hospitable
place for foreign journalists.
A Cuban acquaintance tells me that the Castro brothers
pulled a Queen Elizabeth on the lame duck President: Some mountains will not go
to Muhammad. When Mr. Obama visits England later this year, Queen Elizabeth
will not attend his arrival in London; instead, the President and his traveling
retinue will be transported to Windsor Castle, where he will be received right
royally. Monarchs, even when they are decorative rather than functional, retain
the privileges of monarchy.
But the Castro brothers?
The last President to visit Cuba, we are told, was Calvin
Coolidge in 1928, about thirty years before the Cuban Communist Revolution. That
was the revolution roundly condemned and resisted by every U.S. President since
Dwight Eisenhower. Mr. Coolidge’s remarks while in Cuba were mercifully brief and to the point: “Thirty years ago Cuba ranked as a
foreign possession, torn by revolution and devastated by hostile forces. Such
government as existed rested on military force. Today Cuba is her own
sovereign. Her people are independent, free, and prosperous, peaceful, and
enjoying the advantages of self-government." Mr. Obama, it need not be
pointed out, is no Cal Coolidge.
It is not widely known that in 1963, following the disastrous
Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba and the ensuing U.S. Soviet Union Missile crisis,
President John Kennedy’s representatives entered into top secret talks with
Fidel Castro’s representatives to arrive at a modus vivendi agreeable to both parties. Very likely, Mr. Castro was searching for a new patron after Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev withdrew diplomatically from the hot-headed Mr. Castro, who had implied
in private talks with Mr. Khrushchev that he would not be averse to loosing one
of Mr. Khrushchev’s nuclear missiles on the United States. Mr. Kennedy was not
averse to a rapprochement, but his assassination months later by Lee Harvey
Oswald who, it was thought, had connections both in Cuba and Moscow, terminated
any possible rapprochement.
Among American dignitaries traveling to Cuba on this
historic occasion was U.S. Representative Rosa DeLauro, who occupies one of the
safest seats in the U.S. Congress. The 3rd District has, like John Larson’s 1st
District, been solidly Democratic since the pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock.
The lady, therefore, can afford to be adventuresome.
Ms. DeLauro living’s memory stretches back seventy-three years to 1943.
She has served in the U.S. Congress since 1991, a quarter century. Ms. DeLauro
has grown more and more progressive over the years, though she has not proceeded
as far left as the Castro brothers, both of whom are unrepentant communists of
the Che Guevara type. Life for dissidents under the Castro brothers has long resembled
a Hobbesian universe – “nasty, brutal and short.” Every so often, the Castro tyrants,
perhaps to rid themselves of the cost of serving thin soup to so many of their
prisoners of conscience, would allow dissidents to escape to Florida. Miami is
chock full of communist Cuban ex-pats who flourished under freedom’s skies in
Having periodically flushed Cuba of dissidents, the
revolution marched forward, communist manifesto in hand. Ms. DeLauro no doubt
is familiar with the dreary routine of communist states: the Big Brother
neighborhood watch committees, thugs whose business it is to terrify Cubans
into compliance with the whims of the Castro brothers, both of whom are exceedingly
rich and powerful; the suppression of Ms. DeLauro’s church in Cuba, which is
officially atheistic; and chronic poverty among the lower orders – i.e. any
Cuban who is determined not to take orders from the Castro Brothers. The
embargo of Cuba began in 1960, following the expropriation and seizure of all
U.S. property by the Castro regime; Cuban assets on American soil were frozen, diplomatic
ties were severed and a semi-permeable embargo was imposed.
For reasons that are not at all transparent, Mr. Obama
decided several months ago to abandon a multi-nation, successful embargo of
Iran. Mr. Obama arranged a “deal,” not a treaty, with the terrorists-sponsoring
regime of Iran -- which has many times pledged to destroy Israel, a Middle East
democracy close to the heart of every Democratic President from Harry Truman forward
-- apparently with the approval of the Connecticut seven, the state’s
all-Democratic U.S. Congressional Delegation, and never mind that the “deal,”
not signed by Iran, bypassed the usual Congressional approval process for
treaties. After signaling his approval of the deal, U.S. Senator Dick Blumenthal, a Reform Jew, belatedly expressed some minor quibbles.
On a roll, Mr. Obama, no Jack Kennedy, has now opened the
purses of credulous American businessmen and women to the Castro brothers. If
in the process Mr. Obama, having emptied Guantánamo Bay prison, turns over the
property to Fidel and RaĂşl, one
may expect a theatrical quibble from Mr. Blumenthal. Ms. DeLauro’s God alone
knows what she will do. Her unconquerable Congressional seat is safer than the Presidency
of Cuba.