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The Democrat Party Elite Insurrection

The elites, Political Insider

Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its grateful eyes to you…” -- from Simon & Garfunkel’s classic song “Mrs. Robinson.”

Now, that was an insurrection, this one spearheaded by what President Joe Biden labeled Democrat Party elites.

The overused word “insurrection” comes to us from the Old French “insurreccion” or more directly from Late Latin “insurrectionem,” meaning “a rising up.”

Only a few days before he threw in the sponge on his reelection prospects, Biden insisted, not without reason, that he would not withdraw from the race and that his candidacy for the presidency had been authorized by Democrat Party primary voters. More than 14 million Democrats cast their votes for Biden in the Democrat Party primary. No one had voted for the “party elites” clamoring for his withdrawal from the presidential race.

The elites proceeded cautiously. Some leading Democrats – among them U.S. Senator from New York Chuck Schumer and former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a close-to-the-throne king maker -- urged Biden to withdraw very late in the game, others more cautiously said the decision was “up to Biden.” U.S. Senator Dick Blumenthal of Connecticut fell into this latter group. Penetrating from above the dark cloud of indecision was former President Barack Obama who, in his winning 2009 campaign for the presidency, had chosen Biden as his Vice President.

Within the last week, the cream of the Democrat Party crop certainly had risen up in concert against Biden’s candidacy.

Following an elite battering, Biden agreed to move out, and the elite soon after showered the besieged Biden with lavish compliments.

A Hartford Courant Story, “Biden Drops Out Of Race,” includes this bouquet from Blumenthal: “U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn, on Sunday called Biden ‘one of the greatest, most consequential presidents in American history. He was the compassionate, courageous leader our country desperately needed during a time of crisis. Over the last four years, he has overseen the passage of immensely impactful laws that will benefit generations of Americans,’ Blumenthal said. ‘Joe is a smart, strategic fighter who always – always – looks out for the little guy. I am incredibly grateful for his lifetime of service and his unwavering, steadfast commitment to the future of our nation.’”

Other Connecticut Democrats were similarly generous in their praise of “one of the greatest, most consequential presidents in American history.”

Connecticut’s Junior U.S. Senator Chris Murphy was as lavish in his praise of Biden: “Joe Biden has always put his country first. He knows the risk Donald Trump poses to our democracy, mandating that our number one priority must be defeating Trump this fall. I know this decision was agonizing for him, but once again, his love of country shines through. A nation turns its grateful eyes to Joe Biden for his world changing service and his constant selflessness.”

Where have you gone, Mr. President? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you. Woo, woo, woo …

Biden’s path out of the White House was charted by masterful insurrectionists who know how to bathe stripes and wounds with flowery flattery.

Some of the consequencews of the Biden presidency, Republicans might have pointed out, had not the Democrat Party elite given one of the greatest presidents in American history the heave ho, are, in no order of importance: an ignominious withdrawal from Afghanistan; a southern border that has all but disappeared as a barrier to illegal migration; an adamantine insistence in favor of a “two state” solution in Israel and a negotiated peace plan well before Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, former President Barack Obama’s bête noir, has rid the county of terrorist Hamas elements, Houthis terrorists in Yemen, and Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon, all elements supported and financed by Iran; and, to cut short a listing of Biden’s more conspicuous failures, a punishing indifference to massive federal spending  that is the chief contributing cause of inflation.

The path forward for Biden insurrectionists was charted long before Biden’s pitiful plea to be spared by the Democrat Party elites.

Some of the insurrectionists are supporting Biden’s replacement choice for president, Vice President Kamala Harris. Others are not so sure. These favor throwing the decision into the hands of delegates to the Democrat National Convention that will convene in Chicago, Illinois from Aug. 19 through Aug. 22.

If, as some argue, Biden’s ouster had been engineered by party bosses – a tenable assumption – why should the party bosses choose a Democrat Party candidate for president rather than the democratically appointed delegates to the national convention?

One cannot help but wonder what damage to the democracy will have been caused by such back stage political maneuvering among what Biden has called Democrat Party elites?

The murmuring among Democrat Party rank and file voters may yet rise above the best laid plans of mice and men in the form of a question: “You call this a democracy, do you?”


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