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Biden in Connecticut

Biden in Connecticut

President Joe Biden has withdrawn from Afghanistan all American troops but not – perhaps an oversight – billions of dollars’ worth of war material. In its haste to leave Afghanistan before August 31, the administration surrendered to the Taliban, still cited as a terrorist group by the sometimes United States,  American civilians, numbers unknown, and possibly thousands of Afghans who had helped the United States ward off Taliban terrorists for more than 20 years.

The Biden administration deeded the whole of Afghanistan to the Taliban, along with several air force bases, the most important of which was Bagram, a watchtower that allowed U.S. intelligence, and three presidents other than Biden to serve as on the ground eyes and ears on Iran and China. In the post Biden withdrawal period, the United States will be both blind and deaf in an area bordering China, Iran and Pakistan.

The Associated Press (AP) reported during the second week of October, citing a meeting in Qatar between the Taliban and American officials, “Taliban says US will provide humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.” 

The precipitous withdrawal of America from Afghanistan, widely regarded by friend and foe alike – and top Generals in the Pentagon -- as a strategic failure, has not unexpectedly  impoverished Taliban controlled Afghanistan. And so, the AP reports, “The U.S. has agreed to provide humanitarian aid to a desperately poor Afghanistan on the brink of an economic disaster, while refusing to give political recognition to the country’s new Taliban rulers, the Taliban said Sunday.”

Apparently, the hasty retreat of American dollars will not follow the hasty retreat of American troops in Afghanistan. Any contributions to the Taliban will be regarded by more than a handful of American taxpayers as 1) reparations for America's 20 year opposition to the victorious Taliban, or 2) bribes paid by the president and the Democrat dominated U.S. Congress to secure its vanishing interests in Afghanistan, or 3) bribes paid to prevent the slaughter of remaining American citizens in Afghanistan and secure the release of both remaining American citizens and Afghans who had for more than 20 years prevented eruptions of terrorism in the homeland.

The AP now routinely refers to the rapid withdrawal of support for the Afghan army and its consequent collapse, followed by Biden’s the ill-advised exit from Afghanistan, as “chaotic.”  It has become clear in recent days that, despite the President’s denials, Pentagon generals had advised Biden that his date specific withdrawal would entail horrific, unwanted consequences.

Querulous Democrat Biden supporters such as U.S. Senator Dick Blumenthal of Connecticut have publically expressed their astonished disapproval of the manner in which Biden conducted his withdrawal. And the botched withdrawal, along with the President’s botched southern border policy – causing unchecked illegal immigrants to pour across the Unites States’ semi-permeable border in numbers far exceeding those of previous administrations -- appears to have affected Biden’s poll disapproval numbers. Very late in the day the Biden administration decided to reinstate former President Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy to stem the flood of illegal immigrants passing unimpeded through a border made semi-permeable by Biden’s open door border policy.

The nation, it would seem, also is in a frazzle over an anticipated recession, the result of an administration feasting on scarce tax dollars following a protracted period of enforced business closures. Biden and his helpmates in the Democrat controlled U.S. Congress – Senate leader Chuck Schumer and the imperious Speaker of the U.S. House Nancy Pelosi – have undermined an expected Coronavirus economic recovery by greedily increasing spending, soon to be followed by the inevitable tax increases that very shortly will trickle down from millionaires such as Pelosi and Blumenthal to the suffering Middle Class and the Coronavirus ravaged urban poor. 

According to a recent widely cited Quinnipiac poll, Biden “receives a negative 38 -53 percent job approval rating, the lowest score he's received from the American people on his job performance since taking office.” Particularly troublesome to Democrat politicians facing re-election is the slide in independent, non -party affiliated, support. The approval/disapproval number for polled independents is a depressing 32-60.

Connecticut reporters attending Biden’s closely scripted media availabilities in Hartford and UConn  -- the thin skinned Biden has been known to cut short media interrogatories he finds unpleasant or confusing – did not press Biden on any of the issues mentioned above. The rededication of the Tomas Dodd facility at UConn was by invitation only and closed to UConn students. We have been told in stories preceding his visit, that Connecticut is a safe harbor for a moderate president listing far to the left.

Why damage a blossoming friendship with the most powerful politician in the nation on the eve of a campaign during which federal tax money will be handed out like cotton candy to deserving Democrats?

Better shut up than to be shut out.


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