NABR (Non-Partisan Action for a Better Redding) has a better idea, and a calculator to go along with it. Having set out to improve educational opportunities in Redding, the non-profit volunteer group, with assistance from the Yankee Institute , developed a proposal that would, according to their a descriptive text on their site, provide “a significant grant to those parents who send children to private schools while simultaneously and proportionally reducing the Town budget and thus benefiting all taxpayers, including Seniors without children in school.” In Joel Barlow, one of Redding’s schools, it cost a student$16,093 to send one student to the school for a year. However, if the student attends a private school instead, the parents receive a $5,364 grant, the town is required to reduce its budget by $5,364 and $5,364 remains with Joel Barlow to support fixed overhead costs such as electricity, heating, etc. It is an equal opportunity plan that benefits all affected parties. Students ...