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Esty And The Email Tide

An obedient Democratic National Convention soldier, U.S. Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty has always eagerly followed orders, according to hacked  emails dumped on the general public by Wikileaks. The dump coincided with the opening of the Democrat National Nominating Convention in Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love.

CtNewsJunkie reports that “A majority of the emails involve her [Esty’s} participation in a DNC conference call with reporters a few months ago regarding the issue of gun control. The call followed Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump’s appearance at the NRA leadership forum.”

The false exclusive connection between the Republican Party and the National Rifle Association (NRA) – Democrats own guns too --promises to loom large in the upcoming General Election, owing to the efforts of Connecticut’s two U.S. Senators, Dick Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, and the state’s all Democratic U.S. Congressional Delegation.

Democratic campaign strategy is simple but effective: find an enemy – if one is not available, create one – make a great show of slaying the designated foe, and hang the corpse around the neck of your political opponents.  Republicans tend to shy away from such brutal political campaign methods as being barbaric and uncivilized, which is one of the reasons they continually lose elections to Democrats. However, with the Presidential nomination of Donald Trump, “the times,” as the prophet Bob Dylan says, “may be a’changing.”

The NRA, of course, is not at all responsible for the massive email dump. No matter, Democrats have found a new demon to divert public attention away from the embarrassing email texts – Vladimir Putin, Russia’s strongman. It is being whispered in some corners that the compromising documents were pilfered by Putin operatives and passed along to Wikileaks, rather as if the origin of the leaks are sufficient to discredit statements made – without prompting from Russian Secret Service agents – by grown-up Democrats and operatives in the employ of the Tricky-Dickey Democratic National Campaign (DNC).

Asked if the emails were routed to him by Russians, Julian Assange, a prisoner of conscience who for three years has been entombed in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in an attempt to avoid repatriation to Sweden where he is wanted on a molestation and rape complaint, replied that silence on the question was necessary to secure the privacy of his sources, otherwise the information released by Wikileaks would cease to flow. Wikileaks, Mr. Assange said, has found it necessary to surround its data providers with buffers of ambiguity, which are built into the Wikileaks network. Never formally charged by Sweden, Mr. Assange took refuge in the London Ecuadorian Embassy because he feared he would be snatched by the CIA should he travel to Sweden to answer outstanding complaints. Though there are no pending charges in the United States against Mr. Assange, he fears, not without reason, that he might be put on trial here for espionage.

The same DNC that attempted to tarnish Socialist Bernie Sanders’ sterling reputation by suggesting the “secular Jew,” which was how Mr. Sanders chose to define himself, was really an atheist – and therefore unpalatable to southern voters hanging onto their religion and their guns – was whispering sweet somethings into Mrs. Esty’s ears.

Mrs. Esty obeyed without question the DNC’s prompts, and she was not alone. Unquestioned obedience to national propagandists lies at the core of Democratic campaign successes. There are no “parties of one” in Democratic ranks. Mr. Sanders, the Willian Jennings Bryan of our day, was a discordant note, but even he was whipped into line -- which is what?

Mrs. Clinton and the Democratic Party chorus this year are promoting a kind of administrative authoritarianism, and the Clinton big stick will be used, once she is installed in the White House, to bring everyone in the country to heel.

Listen closely: “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated (emphasis mine) cultural codesreligious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed. As I have said and as I believe, the advancement of the full participation of women and girls in every aspect of their societies is the great unfinished business of the 21st century and (emphasis mine) not just for women but for everyone — and not just in faraway countries but right here in the United States.”

Mrs. Clinton’s voice and big stick are not likely to change cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases in “far away countries” – Clinton code for Islamic nations – but here, the attack on what G.K. Chesterton has called “the little platoons of democracy” has found its generalissimo.


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