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The Fishwrap

At least one Briton thinks President Barack Obama is rude and arrogant. How quickly is the bloom off the rose. The James Carville/Stanley Greenberg/Barack Obama attack machine has found a sumptuous target in Rush Limbaugh, according to Politico. President George Bush having retired, Beltway Democrats, not entirely shunning the politics of fear, are in desperate need of a new face to grind beneath their boots. Carville is the author of “And The Horse You Came In On,” an attack on the rude attackers of former president Bill Clinton. Greenberg is a Clinton era pollster who now provides info to President Barack Obama’s administration. Both Greenberg and his wife, Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, have been generous in the past to Rham Emanual, chief sniper of the Obama administration, having provided Emmanuel with a free Washington DC rental for many years. A Miami abortion clinic doctor is in trouble, according to a report in the Sun Sentinal, for having killed a baby. And Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is still home from China, which plans to boost military spending this year by 15%. While in Israel, Mrs. Clinton announced that "The United States aims to foster conditions in which a Palestinian state can be fully realized." Iranian leaders claim that they have developed missiles that can reach Israel’s nuclear sites. And Michael Jackson has passed medical tests that will allow him to perform in London. And Russian scholar Igor Panarin is predicting that President Barack Obama will order martial law this year, the U.S. will split into six rump-states before 2011, and Russia and China will become the backbones of a new world order.


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